Thursday, June 25, 2009

EZ Wealth Solution, SCAM Or Not!

EZ Wealth Solution

Is EZ Wealth Solution a text book scam or ponzi?

The focus is on recruitment (big RED flag) and
the product is software that is worthless and can
be downloaded free online or for a few bucks.

They have inflated the value of what you get, tell
you that you get 100% of what you are selling,
which is garbage - that is what you will be selling.

Then you tell everyone you know about it, they
say they will buy you into the first few levels, but
then at some point you are asked for $1000 or more.

Ron Walsh started this one of out of Nova Scotia
Canada. Jim Carpenter is part of Ron Walsh's team
of con artists.

Beware of this one, its a ponzi sure as the nose on
your face, with money moving up to the top, newcomers
will get nothing. They claim they have paid out 1/2
million, can't wait for Industry Canada and the FTC
to shut this one down.

Wow sounds like Frank didn't do his homework
now did he!

Just to clarify Frank's complaints and misinter
pretations of the company...

First off, the product you get is NOT garbage,
quite the contrary, you get 100% resale rights
to 100's of Ebooks, apparently Frank has never
heard of the Kindle, these Ebooks can make you
a fortune and that's not even what the company
brags about.

The "you can keep 100% of what you are selling
" line Frank mentioned is not accurate...

DUH of course you keep what you purchased,
which is the Ebook packages, how do you keep
what you sell Frank?

The 100% the company brags about is that you
KEEP 100% of the commissions!

You DO NOT share the commissions with the
company, all they ask for is a measly $10.00
a month for 2 websites and a virtual arsenal
of advertising information FREE, business cards
FREE, Adtraxers FREE, Banners FREE hmmm
must I go on?

Now regarding the "at some point they will
ask you for $1, 000" statement of our dear
Frank was bogus as well, you see there are
5 product Level packages, you purchase into
whatever Level you can afford, Level 1 being
$47 however the members use the Pay it
Forward system and sponsor their member
into that Level to give them a "leg up" to get
them started without actually putting forth
any money.

Now people come in at Levels 2, 3, 4 & 5 all
the time it's all at whatever pace YOU want
it to be and what you can afford, thry never
ever pressure you to pay into what you can't
afford and actually discourage you from over
stepping your means.

Oh here's another tip..once you pay on one
level, you NEVER EVER have to pay into it
EVER again.

You see people like Frank are this...either
uneducated or extremely jealous because
Ron Walsh has actually taken the power
of the internet, and combined it with the
power of people worldwide and an ingenious

It's not MLM and that's what makes people
like Frank who may be trying to build the
standard MLM business so mad!

Sorry Frank, I have been in this business
only 14 days and already made all my money

can you say the same Frank?

My bet is not. Anyone needs more info.

take the tour!

My best to all and no hard feelings Frank
just needed to clear things up for people!


Sounds like Frank is a little bitter,
over what who knows?

I've been a very happy member of EZ
Wealth Solution since 7/1/08. It is the
most honest of all the programs that I've
tried to make money with, in fact, it's the
only program that I've made money with.

Frank, before you go calling something a
"ponzi", you may wish to look up the term,
The term "Ponzi scheme" is a widely known
description of any scam that pays early
investors returns from the investments of
later investors.

With EZ Wealth Solution, you are paying for
the right to resell the products featured in
EZ Wealth Solution ponzi here, sorry Frank..

As far as the rest of your rambling, it doesn't
even make sense so no need to comment further.

Hi My name is Daniel and I live in Utah.

Yes you do have to recruit people but you gotta
be stupid not to do this.

All your doing is Selling software.

Once you sign up under your friend or whoever,
that person gets your first sale and you pay
$47.00 dollars ONCE you never pay it again.

Now your at the top.

The next person you get is yours.

When they pay there $47.00 and give you
there first sale, there at the top now.

Its not even a pyramid, because everyone
benefits not the person at top.

I have been with them for 2 months and
have made around 13k and still going.

So please read up before you take this
guys advice that its a scam.


I didnt even notice Frank replied to his
own post lol.

How pathetic.

Also here is my link to check out that
tour video, just watch it and you decide.

If your interested I will walk you thru
it step by step.

I will call you and everything. Heres Link.

Now I am thoroughly confused!

I am looking for a legitimate business to
either start or buy into and was considering
EZ Wealth!

I have read in countless ezine articles that
one of the foremost red flags of warning is
when a business puts more emphises on
recruiting than in their product or service!

My opinion is that there are three types
of online network marketing businesses;

1) a business that promotes a product(s)
as their selling point.

2) a business that promotes recruiting as
their main focus.

3) a business that promotes programs that
help you to sell products, services, etc..

Of course the real marketing businesses such as
Avon or Tupperware promote both product and

So - if someone can convince me (other than Frank!)
that EZ Wealth is a legitimate, money making
opportunity, I would be interested in joining.

Thanks, Brian

Here's a tip. Just go in on the first level and
let the person who recruited you pay your
way in.

Go into the higher levels from PROFITS.
DO NOT put the $1800 or so dollars from
your own pockets into nothing on this internet.

They will tell you to go in at the highest
level you can afford.

I would not suggest that.

They will tell you the sales you will pass up
if you don't go in at the highest level you can

Don't fall for it.

Just do level 1 and see how things work out
for you first.

The problem is if you get referrals and they
don't work the program you will NOT make
any money unless you can resell the software.

Better to find this out before you put your
hard earned dollars in.

I agree.

Join at level 1 or 2 and leverage your way
into the higher levels as you make money.

The business is lucrative.

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